3 years missing you

It’s been 3 years since we said goodbye.

I remember my mother reading this once long ago and I’m not sure I fully understood this verse. She was always adamant to teach my sister and I not to judge others. Whether it was the way someone looks, dresses, speaks, anything really. #dontjudgeabookbyitscover she would say. She would remind us it’s not our duty to judge. It’s our duty to love everyone and accept them for who they are. God will do the judging. #fastforward I heard this verse in church a couple years ago and understood what she was saying so much more clearly.

Yesterday marks 3 years without her. Three years that have gone so quickly! I feel like her time on earth was too short, but I know she is in a place without pain and suffering. #glioblastoma cancer does not judge… I am beyond blessed to have had such a wonderful mother. She taught me what unconditional love was, and I KNOW I tested her limits. 🤣 But I always felt safe, as if there was nothing that could be so bad that she wouldn’t love me. That didn’t mean there wasn’t a lesson to be learned in all things. Sometimes when my children test my limits I think of her and wonder how she made it through my teen years. I believe it was her faith and prayer and knowing what she had tried to instill in me and hoping some of it had sunk in. ❤️

I miss her more than I could have imagined. I miss what I feel like my children are missing out on not having her around. Her love, laughter, and ability to have a sense of balance.

Before she passed she told me “I don’t want to leave you, but I am so ready to meet Jesus”. I had nothing to say or argue that. From the start of her diagnosis I did not pray for a miracle. I prayed that she would not suffer or feel pain and that God would not keep her here on this earth any longer than she was meant to be. My daughter didn’t understand why I would pray for her to heal or for a miracle. I told her I didn’t feel like it was the time, I felt like my mother was at peace and she knew what was coming. It wasn’t a question on whether or not God could create a miracle, it was that I didn’t believe that’s what was meant to be. I explained cancer comes in all forms, but #braincancer is not that simple, it’s science. We were told it was mostly likely stage 3 or stage 4 #glioma and the life expectancy was short (less than 2 years) with surgery, radiation, and chemo. My mothers results came back as #stage4 #glioblastoma, the surgeon was not able to retrieve the entire tumor based on location, and my mothers system crashed when she started chemo. It was all so quick, (7 months) and each step of the way it seemed like it was preparing us for the outcome. My mother kept her faith and had peace. I was able to say goodbye and let her know that I will miss her but I will be okay. I didn’t want her to suffer for me. She then reminded me that my children will know her through me like I knew her mother through her.

While I miss her and think of her daily, it’s getting easier to find her light in the small things. Whether it’s a song such as “Amazing Grace” or “John Denver – Country Road” (which both generally make me cry if it’s sprung on me) or a woman in a store wearing a shirt she used to have. I can see the small things and smile knowing she lives within me and I carry her in my heart. ❤️

Travel Bucket List 2023 in the making!

Where would you want to visit?

I would love to spend the holidays with my family somewhere warm, sunny, with a beach, and relax!! I love southern Florida and anywhere that has clear blue water! ❤ It’s my happy place!! Not to mention, as our kids grow I would like to make more memories than buying “stuff”. This year we will be staying home and looking what plans we can make for the future holiday time!

Another trip I would like to make would be driving across the country to the west coast. I am in the midwest and I have flown to Cali before but I have never driven west past Missouri! I’d love to travel north west through Montana/Idaho and make my way to Washington and down the coast of Oregon through California to see the Red Woods.

Where would you like to visit?

All Things Travel!!

A new adventure!

Life never stops moving regardless if we would like it to or not. We can choose to fall behind, figure out how to keep up, or SOMETIMES we even figure out how to get ahead from time to time!! ❤

I believe we can learn something new everyday and I believe in always trying to grow in one way or another!

What better way to do that than to add a new adventure…. or two!!

Welcome: SeneGence and Health and Wellness

I currently run an activewear business with Zyia Active and this is an amazing company based around the pillars of light, activity, community, and uplift. The products (active wear) are like none other and amazing quality and they’re at great price point! I wanted to add something that meshed well and I happened to come across two companies around the same time that I felt were a perfect fit. I just knew that I wanted to be a part of this!!

SeneGence offers superior products and an opportunity for women to be independent and successful in business regardless of age, background or education. Since 1999, SeneGence has grown to support thousands of successful careers and satisfied customers around the world. SeneGence remains steadfast in its commitment to offer products that really work, including LipSense® Long-Lasting Lip Color and a complete line of anti-aging skin care and long-lasting cosmetics.

Why a health and wellness company?? Because we all need to be a little healthier right? I believe that keeping the body in balance isn’t just a good idea – it’s needed! It can effect your mood, weight, immunity, skin, brain health and overall well-being. Someone told me once that when you’re sick and you don’t feeling like doing the “things”….. that is when you NEED it the most!!

How did I tie the three of these together? I’m a busy mom and always on the go. I love the feel of our Zyia Light N Tights, after kids I felt different, my body was different and this clothing makes me feel good!! It’s cute, fits well in all the right places, and I can’t help but LOVE sharing it with everyone else!! SeneGence has an AMAZING product that is healthy for your skin and works!! I love that I can put my make up on in the early hours of the day and it stays on ALL day!! Last but not least, health and wellness. Some of us need a little help or extra boost to keep our body in balance. After years of being a “horrible eater”, I would forget to eat and crash, after kids it was the worst it had ever been, I NEEDED to make a change. I have always been self-conscious of my weight… As a kid I was a twig, I would cringe when someone would ask me if I had eaten anything, or say “go eat a cheeseburger”, to this day I want to shrink into a ball when someone asks me when I last ate….. Fast forward, after having children I lost weight but not in a healthy way. I wasn’t my best, I wasn’t healthy, I was struggling to take care of myself, let alone the little people that were depending on me! After trying a few different plans I found one that has been working for me. I have found healthy ways to keep in balance which has helped my energy level, mood, and overall well being! I feel better than I have ever felt and I can’t help but want to share that with you!! ❤

10 Minutes – quick, cheap, & easy!!

Happy Saturday evening Ya’ll!!

I’ve linked a 10 minute video below and share how I get ready so quickly, and where I get all of my added jewelry, shoes, make-up, hair style, cute hair ties…..

All of the things people have been asking me!! ❤

*You won’t want to miss the Leopard Converse and Asics paired with joggers!!

All the links are posted in the comments with the video.

Side note** This is on facebook so you may have to request to join my group to see it, if you do sorry!! I can’t change the group to public since it was private when I created it!!

Watch Here!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

xoxo – Jamie

Happy Heavenly Birthday my sweet momma!

Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their image 1
Found on Etsy

The best way to describe my mother was that:

“Her Faith was Strong and Her Love Was Fierce”

Today she would have turned #65!! February 10th! ❤ She was diagnosed with brain cancer March 2020, (#glioblastoma – brain cancer) and passed on 10.13.20. It was a short 7 months and sometimes still seems quite unreal. My heart has been aching, and I try my best to remember, I miss her so much because she was truly an amazing mother and person. I am not angry with God and I do not question the “why”. I choose to find peace and to be thankful for the wonderful 35 years I had with her. I’m beyond blessed to be able to say and truly mean “I had an AMAZING mother”. It feels so good to be able to say that because, I know not everyone is so fortunate. I pray one day my children will feel the same about me and it’s something to strive for. I believe we can always do a little better. We’re not perfect, no where close to it, but it’s always worth reaching to be better and do better.

So today, my heart hurts, and I am still learning to celebrate her in a new way…. Today, my memories will carry me along and I will remember her smile and voice when she would tell me Happy Birthday! I will tell my family a nice story about her and squeeze them a little tighter for her (and me because lets face it, I need it too). I know she would have wanted to see all of us today. ❤

Happy Heavenly Birthday! ❤

If I can give any advice, when you have the time to tell those that are close “thank you” and remind them of the impact they have on you…. do it. I had that opportunity with my mom and I am so thankful that I did. Again, I know that some are not so fortunate but that’s why it’s important to forgive, say “I’m sorry”, say “Thank you”. Speak words of kindness and let go of hurt or anything that isn’t positive. Yes I know, easier said than done. But if it’s not for that person, do it for yourself and your own inner peace. Let it all go!

We knew my mothers cancer would never be cured from the very beginning, any treatment and surgeries were only giving us more time. My daughter would pray for my mother to be healed and she asked me if I was doing the same. I said no. I said I was praying that mother would not be in pain, she would not suffer, and God would not keep her on this earth any longer than she needed to be. I had to explain to my daughter, while I do believe in miracles, I didn’t believe that was God’s plan and I truly lifted it up to Him. I felt like that’s what I needed to do at that time and if I had to go back through all of this again I would do the same. I truly felt like my prayers were answered. She didn’t seem to suffer much or feel much pain. It wasn’t comfortable or easy by any means and there were many hard things but I believe her faith was so strong that she was ready to walk this new path and God held her hand through it all.

A final note: In one of our conversations towards the end of her time I told her “I would miss her so much, but I would be okay, she taught me to be strong, have faith, and how to be a good person and that my children would know her though me and she said, “I don’t want to leave you, but I am so ready to meet Jesus”. And in that moment I knew I would be okay and I wanted the best for her. Our mothers raise us and in that moment I felt that I needed to give back to her, I needed her to know I would be okay. I am so thankful beyond words that I could have that conversation. She told me she would be okay, and I told her I would be okay and we both meant every word of it. ❤

** I didn’t actually get this posted out on the 10th, life get busy and you know what, that’s okay too!

Happy Saturday!!

~ Monday Thoughts ~

60 Best Inspirational Quotes About Life — Short Inspiring Quotes

Happy Monday!!

I read a quote this morning that I had seen before but I let it sink in a little more today…..

“One small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day”


I woke up a little frustrated because while working on homework last night I overlooked a few things and they were due at midnight…. I had to scramble to get in what I could because after midnight it’s a BIG ZERO… I was so frustrated with myself because I shouldn’t have put it off and I should have double checked (all the things I nag at my kids about, ya know) and I didn’t get done all that I needed and I most certainly didn’t get the grades I would have liked or KNOW that I could have.

Needless to say, I woke up tired and still frustrated with myself and I decided, well I can’t do anything about it, but now, I need to work my booty off to catch up and get back to where I want to be. I made a decision to “suck it up buttercup” as I like to say and buckle down and told myself “I WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN”.

One thing that my husband and I try to instill in our children is that things happen, and plans don’t always go like we would like and sometimes that is just life. However, do not make an excuse as to what you did or did not do, take ownership and be accountable, learn from “the think” you did or didn’t do.

So here’s this, I decided to go back to school with 5 kids and working my own business and all the other things life throws at you. I am busy, but I’m not saying I didn’t get my homework done because I was busy, I didn’t get it done because I let it slip which is 100% on me. I’m not upset with anyone but myself. I’m not saying “oh well, no biggie either”.

My New Years Motto is “Tomorrow is a new day” and I really mean it. That was my mistake yesterday, not today. –> Today I will work harder and work to get ahead so what I did yesterday, doesn’t happen again!

Thoughts for a Monday!! ❤

Hot mess to presentable in 10 minutes!!

* * Follow me on Instagram and FaceBook * *

I am so excited to share this because I am rocking our #Zyia Black Copper Charge and showing off all the amazing #BeautyCounter products!!

Seriously, I have weeded through all of the “not safe” products that I put on my face and body. I wish I would have know what I know now when I was younger!! TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN!! I’m thankful my mom was a “pale girl” and always stressed sunscreen but everything else matters —> your moisturizer, make up, face wash, body wash, you name it…. it matters!!

Check out the EWG site to look up your products and see how they rate!!

This is just a fun little video to show how I get ready in 10 minutes! I’m a mother of 5 so I don’t have a lot of time…. as you can see even in this video my youngest was in and out trying to steal my brushes!! lol

HAIR TIP AND TRICK: My hair is SUPER FRIZZY CURLY – I wash my hair and then braid it and let it dry over night. Take it out in the morning and I straighten a few little pieces in the front and there you go!! In this video I tossed it up in a messy little pony tail. I use a simple smoothing straightening cream to help tame the frizz because it’s not always dry when I take the braid out. I have SO MUCH hair!! ❤Shoutout to my girl Allison who has taught me over the years how to tame my hair!! A lot of people still to this day do not know I have frizzy curly hair… I’m learning more and more to love it and embrace it!


Makeup items I use:

<a href=”http://<a target=”_blank” href=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jlwhc-20&keywords=Kat Von D&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&linkId=bad121ad4f3f616373c3c0699508eb3a”>Kat Von DKat Von D Lock it foundation and concealer

<a href=”http://<a target=”_blank” href=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jlwhc-20&keywords=Urban Decay Eyeshadow&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&linkId=fef4cc61adfbecdddbdea01bcb0ec93d”>Urban Decay EyeshadowUrban Decay Eyeshadow

Bronzer palatte

Liquid pen eyeliner

Beauty Counter Mascara $27 – This is my absolute favorite of all time!!!

Beauty Counter Beyond Gloss $29

Mascara and gloss duo set!! $48

Hair items I use:

<a href=”http://<a target=”_blank” href=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BHV4T32/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07BHV4T32&linkCode=as2&tag=jlwhc-20&linkId=536cb12f697c8b33e19535e6380dd88b”>ghd Gold Styler – 1 inch Flat Iron, Hair Straightener, Ceramic Flat Iron, Professional Hair Styler, BlackGHD straightener. I have had mine for close to 10 years!! The investment is worth it.

<a href=”http://<a target=”_blank” href=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00570AHI8/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00570AHI8&linkCode=as2&tag=jlwhc-20&linkId=dd424ad798fa366944f33b7694d51a74″>Rusk Thermal Shine Spray, Pure Argan Oil, 4.4 ozRusk Thermal Spray ALWAYS use something to protect your hair from the heat!! I use this when I blow dry my hair and straighten it.

Shop my links below:

Beauty Counter Link (New Customer Discount!!)

Zyia Shopping Link